Sep 18Liked by raymond

I feel there's similarities between Aurelius' and Kobe's quote and potentially their lives. Both focus on being intentional in one's growth while finding inner motivation to do what they think is expected of them. Aurelius' had a civic duty to protect his people, to navigate diplomatic events, and to love his family. Kobe had his team, his city, and his family. Both recognized that the best way to better the things they cared about was to better themselves. Arguably, both were crazy but maybe craziness is the secret to being a GOAT. Is it crazy for people wanting to put their bodies through pain or give up comfort? Modern society's baseline is comfort. The people who become comfortable with the uncomfortable find how to fully live.

Ray I admire your passion and drive. Lots of obstacles have stood in your way but no matter what you keep climbing. I always appreciate your articulation and openness in your articles.

I just started work as well and have been incorporating a routine like yours. I got a sunrise alarm clock recently and I wakeup much smoother now. Even days when I feel like I don't get as much sleep are starting to feel better. I've learned that even though some days might be tough, as long as I feel like I'm growing, I am happy.

Let's catch up soon.

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I think Aurelius and Kobe were both crazy, not in a positive or negative way, but that the way they prioritized things and the circumstances they put themselves through were so against what would be considered "normal". In these last few years, it seems like "normal" has become synonymous with "comfort", and recent technological/medical advances have a common theme of building a world where we all do the bare minimum.

I've always respected your work ethic and am super proud of all the successes you've had. Hoping the new, post-grad chapter in your life will be as transformative as your college years. Let's call once I'm back in DC in week.

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I love the way you sectioned off your day in your writing and then broke those into smaller chunks. there's a nice hum to the flow of your writing. it almost feels like the theme song of "Severance" should be playing in the background--also a great show about the ills of our jobs. I'll be reframing my grind this week as a slow build. always love your Kobe quotes. being able to work hard is a privilege— sometimes.

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Thanks Kayla! It was both challenging and fun to structure this post and get the vibe right. I'll have to check out Severance, have heard nothing but good things about it. I agree that working hard is a privilege for us, but maybe that's because we have the liberty to choose where we direct our energy towards (given our basic needs are met). With that said, working hard kinda sucks most of the time. Especially if you want to balance work with strong personal relationships and a healthy lifestyle, which is something that Kobe's (probably toxic) work ethic prevented him from having.

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“Do you think noise breaks silence, or does silence break noise?” — love this

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You're right that he is weird, and in many ways Marcus Aurelius's life was nothing at all like those of a 21st century knowledge worker. Having been raised without religion, however, there's something really comforting to me about reading the Meditations. It is a reminder of our moral responsibility. Great post!

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Hey Victor, totally agree! I also am not religious, so Meditations was the first scripture-like text that has resonated with me

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